Highland Council winter road condition reports for 14 March 2013.

The Highland Council’s snow clearing / gritting route policies and area maps are online for 2012/13 at http://www.highland.gov.uk/gritting.htm.

Road condition and gritting treatment reports by The Highland Council’s, Transport, Environmental and Community Services for the morning of 14 March 2013 are as follows:

Snow covering on most routes. Treated with 10g/m2 salt as necessary. Posted: 14/03/2013 10:08

South Sutherland and East Ross 
All routes affected by icy patches with a dusting of snow on high ground. All routes passable with care. Posted: 14/03/2013 09:24

Skye and Lochalsh
Light snow cover on high roads in Lochalsh. Remainder of roads wet. Road surface temperatures above zero. Posted: 14/03/2013 08:54

Caithness and North Sutherland
Caithness: up to 18cm of snow around the Thurso area, other parts up to 2.5cm of snow. North Sutherland: snow up to 1.25cm mainly on high routes. Blading and gritting all routes as required. Posted: 14/03/2013 08:45

Roads salty and damp, no problems reported. Posted: 14/03/2013 08:15

A dusting of snow, treating priority 1, 2 and 3 routes. Posted: 14/03/2013 07:53

Badenoch and Strathspey 
Dusting of snow over the whole area, 1cm at the most. -4C recorded gritting all routes by priority. Posted: 14/03/2013 07:42

Mid and West Ross – no issues reported.

The information provided is a synopsis of reports from operational staff and is intended to give a general indication of typical conditions in each area at a point in time.  It is not intended to imply that any individual route is entirely snow and ice free and drivers must be aware that conditions can change rapidly and make their own assessment of conditions before travelling.

14 Mar 2013