Parent Councils briefed on Schools Facilities Management.

A meeting was held by senior Education, Culture and Sport Service staff with 19 Parent Council Chairs from Inverness/Nairn Primary Schools at Millburn Academy on the evening of Wednesday 13 March 2013.

The purpose of the meeting was to brief the Parent Council Chairs on the implementation of 4th phase of the Facilities Management (FM) rollout. It also provided an opportunity for those present to question the Council on the implications of the FM model. The meeting was very constructive with a 45 minute presentation followed by 75 minutes questions and answers.

Those present had an opportunity to ask the questions that concerned them.

Ron MacKenzie, Head of Education Support Services agreed that that the Council would meet with this group again towards the end of August by which time school audits will have been completed and the rotas for FM deployment across schools will be agreed. Questions asked at the meeting were recorded and will be issued to the Group.

A related committee report will be presented to the Adult and Children Services Committee at its next meeting on 22 May. Briefings have now taken place with all staff affected, the Head Teachers of the schools involved, the local Ward Members (with the exception of Nairn which will take place next week) and the Parent Council Chairs. The committee report was delayed to allow these wide scale briefings to take place and to allow the issues raised at these briefings to be reflected in the Committee report planned for the May Committee meeting.

15 Mar 2013