Northern Constabulary prepare for day of action against those who use mobile devices whilst driving

Issued by Northern Constabulary

Northern Constabulary is preparing for a day of action against drivers who continue to break the law and use phones and mobile communications devices whilst driving

This dangerous and illegal practice is known to been one of the causal factors in road traffic collisions and is an offence the vast majority of the public find unacceptable. Police regularly hear concerns from members of the public regarding this offence.

The mobile phone law was first introduced in 2003 and changed on 27 February 2007. On Monday officers across the Force will be targeting those who break the mobile phone law.

Driving whilst using a mobile device is now an endorsable offence and five years ago motorists saw the fine rise from £30 to £60.

Although this is a specific 24-hour enforcement campaign, taking place on Monday 18 March 2013, Police say that officers across the Force will be on the look out for those who break the law in relation to mobile devices throughout the year.

Northern Constabulary say this Day of Action against drivers who break these laws is geared towards the safety of road users and to highlight the dangers to those who commit these offences.

Road Policing Unit Acting Inspector, Norman MacLeod, said: "Not only does breaking the law in relation to the use of mobile devices whilst driving result in fines and penalty points but it also presents a threat to other road users.

"We continue to see this type of offence across the Force area and there will be no let up in our efforts to detect and penalise those taking part in this dangerous and illegal practice."

Police say their efforts to help improve safety on the roads of the Highlands and Islands remains one of the top priorities. This latest campaign is in direct response to concerns re the use of mobiles whilst driving which was highlighted by Northern Joint Police Board members recently.


15 Mar 2013