Ullapool team to represent Scotland at European Business Game final in Faroe Islands

Five young entrepreneurs from Ullapool High School have just been announced as the winners of the national European Business Game (EBG) after their proposed ‘Squeasy Peasy’ reusuable baby food pouch company impressed the panel of judges at the National Final last Friday (26th April) at Glen Mhor Hotel, Inverness.

The team – made up of Shona Warwick, Shona Reeve, Annabel Stewart, Ruth Hamilton and Anna MacLeod – triumphed over stiff competition with their innovative product and detailed business proposal that included market research, a three-year financial plan, and multi-lingual baby-food recipe videos on YouTube.

The winners will now represent the whole of Scotland at the International Final in the Faroe Islands at the end of June. 

Sheila Green, Business Studies Principal Teacher at Ullapool High School said: "The enthusiastic, competent, and hardworking team enjoyed completing the business plan and gained many transferable skills in the process.  They are now very much looking forward to the challenge of competing against the winning teams from all the other countries."

The ‘Squeasy Peasy’ team were presented with the national trophy by Stuart Black, Director of Planning and Development at The Highland Council. Stuart said: “We are pleased to support this scheme and it complements our own initiatives to equip young people with the skills and support to successfully move from school into the world of work.

“The Game gives students an exciting opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial and communication skills, build their confidence, and foster links with young people across Europe. We know from previous participants that EBG helped them to stand out from the crowd when applying for jobs, and gave them invaluable skills that they continue to use and develop in the workplace.

“I congratulate the finalists and we wish the Ullapool High School team the very best for the International Finals.”

The Council’s Planning and Development Service coordinates Highland participation in the European Business Game. Highland teams have traditionally done very well at the international finals. Previous winners include teams from Fortrose Academy, Golspie High School, Inverness High School, Kingussie High School and Ullapool High School. In 2007, the Highlands hosted the International Final at the Council Headquarters in Inverness.

Senior pupils and teachers are invited to participate in the 2013/14 European Business Game. For more information, please contact Kenny MacInnes, Highland Council’s Economic Advisor on 01463 702 553, kenny.macinnes@highland.gov.uk. See also www.enterprise-ebg.it

The European Business Game complements other enterprise initiatives supporting young people into work in the Highlands such as the Youth Trainee Scheme, Youth Employment Action Plan, Graduate Placement Programme and Employ Grants. For more information, visit http://www.highland.gov.uk/employgrants.htm.


3 May 2013