River Ness Flood Alleviation Scheme – Public Exhibition Phase 2

A public exhibition is being held next week by The Highland Council to display plans for the second phase of the River Ness Flood Alleviation Scheme  - between Friars Bridge and the mouth of the River Ness, near the harbour.

The exhibition is being held in Trinity Church Hall, Gilbert Street, Inverness between noon and 7pm on Thursday 16 May.

Scheme drawings and visualisations of the flood wall will be on display and there will be the opportunity to discuss any concerns.  The estimated cost of the second phase of works is £12 million.

The Council has recently completed the preparation works for the first phase of construction of the flood walls – between Ness Bridge and Friars Bridge.

The contract for the construction works, estimated at £10.5 million,  is currently being tendered, with works due to start in the summer.   An exhibition of the first phase of works will be organised in Inverness Town House in advance of the construction commencing.

8 May 2013