Expansion of district heating network in Wick

Issued by Ignis

The district heating scheme in Wick is being expanded.  Ignis is to supply heat to the Wick Assembly Rooms, which is the largest public performance venue north of Inverness.  When the installation works are completed later this month, the Assembly Rooms will be heated by renewable energy, and its existing oil fired boiler will be switched off.

Craig Ibbetson, Director of Ignis Wick Ltd said “We are delighted that the Assembly Rooms are to be supplied by the district heating.  This new customer means that we can commission a new supply pipe that runs from the end of Barrogill St in Pulteneytown to Sinclair Terrace.  People will notice some works going on in Barrogill Street during this time.

"This new phase of expansion coincides with Ignis seeking to add more new customers to the network where our pipes are already nearby.  We estimate that there are over 300 homes that can easily connect to the district heating.  If any homeowners wish to register an interest in being connected they should ring us on 01955 609456 or email on info@ignis-energy.com.”

The district heating scheme was taken over by Ignis from The Highland Council in June 2012.  Following a £2.5m conversion by Ignis last year to use locally sourced wood chip as fuel, the scheme is now a viable business.  The scheme supplies low cost renewable heating to nearly 200 homes in Pulteneytown, and supplies steam to the Pulteney Distillery.

The Wick District Heating Scheme has been shortlisted as “project of the year” by the Renewable Energy Association for the 2013 awards.  The awards will take place in June in London.  The district heating scheme has also been nominated as project of the month by Energy Action Scotland, a Glasgow based charity working to end fuel poverty.


9 May 2013