Council confirms route of Inverness West Link

The Highland Council has overwhelmingly supported previous unanimous decisions to progress plans for the Inverness West Link.

The Council considered a notice of motion by 5 councillors to review the choice of the distributor road, which in phase one, will take traffic from Dores Road to Torvean via a bridge crossing of the River Ness and in a second phase via a second swing bridge over the Caledonian Canal. 

The notice of motion stated:  “In light of information made available to us, which was not included in the original options and two further options now suggested by the public since Option 6 was voted as our preferred option, we ask that Council consider again their decision to promote Option 6 for the West Link.”

The Council voted 66-6 to progress the chosen route, rejecting the call for a review.

Councillor Leader, Councillor Drew Hendry said:  “I am pleased that the Council has overwhelmingly supported the unanimous decision of the Council in March 2012 to progress the chosen route. The route was the subject of rigorous examination and I am convinced the route is the best possible option on technical, environmental and sustainability grounds.

“We have committed £1.3 million to developing this route and we will now press ahead with a planning application by late summer.”

Depute Leader Councillor David Alston strongly supported the choice of the chosen route, highlighting the rigorous scrutiny by professionals and councillors. No viable alternative option had been presented by objectors.

The route had been endorsed at 3 separate public inquiries and the decision had been unanimously agreed by 26 Inverness City Committee members, a 16-member cross-party working group and the 80 members of the Council.

He said:  “Inverness is developing to the west and needs a new bridge over the river to provide access to all of the city and allow it to grow and prosper.”


9 May 2013