Council marks Europe Day

Europe Day on Thursday 9 May was marked by Highland Councillor, who stressed the importance of European Union funding programmes to the Highland economy.

Council Leader Councillor Drew Hendry led the debate, highlighting that Council projects had attracted £6.38 million of EU funding between 2007-2013.

Councillor Hendry is Chair of the Highlands and Islands European Partnership; Sole UK representative to the European Union Political Bureau of the Committee of the Regions; and also represents COSLA on the Council of the European Municipalities and Regions.

He set out the Council’s active role in managing EU programmes, such as the European Social Fund, the European Regional Development Fund, the European Fisheries Fund, the Northern Periphery Programme and the LEADER Programme.
He particularly  welcomed the success of the Council and its partners in campaigning for continued transition status for the Region as part of the EU Cohesion policy post 2014 and until 2020.

He said: “This is excellent news because it means that the Highlands and Islands will be eligible for more funding than other areas of Scotland.”

He added: ““The Council’s Administration is delivering on its key commitments to work with the Highlands and Islands European Partnership and the Scottish and UK Governments to secure maximum benefit for the Highlands from the EU funding programmes for 2014-20, including further transitional funding, and participating actively in key European organisations.”

Councillor Hendry also highlighted the positive impact that the EU had on the Highland Council area.

Europe Day recognises and celebrates the ‘Shuman Declaration’ of 9 May 1950 when Robert Schuman, the first President of the European Parliamentary Assembly presented his proposal on the creation of an organised Europe.  The declaration aimed to end armed conflict in Europe by developing an economically integrated Europe and supporting measures to promote social integration amongst the peoples of what was to become the European Union.

The European Union is:

The Highland Council marked Europe Day with a small number of events including a European Quiz on the Council website where there is a chance to win £50.  The EU flag was flown at Council headquarters.

10 May 2013