Highland marks Foster Care Fortnight with plea for carers

The Highland Council is hoping to recruit more foster carers during Foster Care Fortnight, which runs from today (Monday 13 May) until Sunday 26 May.

The Highland Council’s Fostering & Adoption Service is seeking long term foster carers, respite carers, as well as carers who can provide temporary and emergency placements for all ages of children and young people.

Many of the children who need care can present challenging and/or difficult behaviour and can have complex health needs including children with a disability.
The ultimate aim for foster care is for children to return to their natural families, and foster carers are crucial in making this possible.

Carers work alongside the team of people whose job it is to ensure children’s needs are met and the plan for the child’s care and protection is implemented.
The assessment process is thorough and the applicant’s skills are assessed, particularly with regard to their understanding and ability to care for children who have experienced trauma, neglect and abuse and those affected by disability.

The Highland Council’s extensive training and support packages help equip families – including children of carers – to deal with these needs positively. With care, stability and hard work, most children will thrive in foster care or adoptive families.

Council Children’s Champion Councillor Linda Munro said: “There’s a constant need for foster carers and adoptive parents right across the Highlands. Those who come forward to help play a vital role in securing a better future for the children of the Highlands who desperately need support and the opportunity to experience a stable family environment.”

The public can find out more about fostering or adoption please contact 01463 703431 or fostering@highland.gov.uk

13 May 2013