Video simulation shows new look River Ness Streetscape - Flood Scheme

The Highland Council has today (Monday 13 May) published on its web site a video simulation of phase one of the River Ness Flood Alleviation Scheme, which shows the flood defences and associated streetscaping between the Ness Bridge and the Friar’s Bridge and gives viewers a drive-through visualisation on traffic movement on both sides of the river between these points.

The video simulation can be viewed here.

Viewers will note the reversing of the traffic direction on Huntly Street between Ness Bridge and Greig Street  once the flood defences are built.  Movement will be one-way from the Ness Bridge to Greig Street.

On-street short-stay parking between Ness Bridge and Greig Street will also be removed once the defences are in place to allow for the pedestrian and cycle-friendly streetscape features on the riverside.

The enabling works for the first phase have been completed and a contract for the installation of the flood defences and streetscaping works for Phase 1 will be awarded in July.  Before works begin, a public exhibition will be staged in Inverness Town House.

A second phase of flood defence work is planned between Friar’s Bridge and the river mouth at the harbour.  Scheme drawings and visualisations of the flood wall will be on display at an exhibition  being held in Trinity Church Hall, Gilbert Street, Inverness between noon and 7pm on Thursday 16 May.

13 May 2013