Council welcomes army sponsorship for Inverness school team.

Pupils from Raigmore Primary School Primary 4/5 football team recently met soldiers from The Black Watch 3rd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Scotland (3SCOTS) to thank them for the generous sponsorship of their new team strip. 

The money was kindly donated by the battalion’s Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Adrian Reilly. In addition, The Officers Mess, Sergeants Mess and Corporals Mess of the battalion, each donated £100 to the overall total of £400 to procure the strips and equipment.  

The idea was initially conceived by three Soldiers with children at the school. Warrant Officer Class 2 (WO2) Stevie McSeveney, WO2 Frank McConnell and WO2 Paddy Marshall.  Although Stevie and Frank have been posted to other units, their children still attend Raigmore Primary along with Paddy’s son Danny. 

“As a regular attendee at the matches, I often volunteer to referee; The Dads thought it only fitting that team be rewarded with proper equipment, to help inspire both members of the team and the Parent helpers,” said WO2 Marshall.

Head Teacher Fiona Shearer said: “We are very grateful to the Army Dads from 3 SCOTS for fund raising to buy new football strips and footballs for our P4/5 team. The school is team is run by parent helpers and we are very thankful to our Team Coach Jonathan Wilson and others for all their hard work and effort that they put in for the team.”

The team played in their new strips for the first time against Kirkhill/Kiltarlity Primaries Team on Thursday 9 May at Raigmore Community Centre.

14 May 2013