Cairn Gorm funicular railway guided walks approved

Since it opened in 2001, the funicular railway has operated as a ‘closed’ system, meaning that passengers could not exit at the top onto the mountain itself. Under a new scheme, known as ‘Walk@TheTop,’ walkers will be able to follow a circular route between the funicular Top Station and the summit of Cairn Gorm. Walks will be led by a Ranger and make use of the existing Summit and Marquiss Well paths. Walkers must return to the Top Station with their guide.

The decision to enable this scheme – which was accepted by the Planning, Environment and Development Committee of the Highland Council today (15th May) – came after Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) advised that there will be no adverse effects on the integrity of the adjacent European conservation sites associated with the proposal.

This assessment was made following three years of work to evaluate the potential impact of the scheme on the adjacent Cairngorms Special Protection Area (SPA), Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and National Scenic Area (NSA) – some of the largest European conservation sites in Britain.

On behalf of both SNH and The Highland Council, SNH officers monitored two seasons of summer trials and organised a 6-week consultation in late 2011 that included members of the public, local community organisations, Non-Governmental Organisations and a Public Agency.

A total of 2174 walkers attended the 353 walks that took place during the trial periods between 17 July and 31 October in 2010 and 1 May and 17 July in 2011. All attendees on the trial walks complied with the stipulations that they must return to the Top Station with the Ranger.

The new scheme will result in permanent changes to the current Visitor Management Plan (VMP) framework agreed by the Highland Council, SNH and Cairngorm Mountain Limited in 2000. The amended framework will continue to protect the integrity of the areas adjacent to the railway from the potential impacts of non-skiing visitors as a direct consequence of the funicular development.


For further information please contact: David Mudie, Team Leader – Development Management, The Highland Council, Planning and Development Service, Email:, Tel.: 01463 702 255.

15 May 2013