18 out of 20 off sales premises pass test purchasing operation in the Inverness area

Issued by Police Scotland

Following a test purchasing operation last Friday (1 November 2013) police can confirm that of the 20 off sales premises approached, 18 premises approriately refused sales with the remaining 2 having failed to do so.

The two premises that failed the test purchasing operation, which was carried out in the Inverness area, will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal for selling alcohol to an underage teen.

Test purchasing powers are used to identify any licensed traders who sell alcohol to minors, adding to alcohol related problems, such as anti-social behaviour, disorder and vandalism.

The scheme consists of a fully briefed teenager (under 18 years of age) entering licensed premises under controlled conditions and in line with agreed guidelines to purchase alcohol.

If the proprietor does not ask the person their age and allows them to purchase alcohol they will be committing an offence, even if their excuse is that they thought they were 18.

Licence holders will not be deceived into committing an offence because if they, as they should do, ask the age of the test purchaser then the teenager will answer truthfully.

Public houses, off-sales, and nightclub proprietors are reminded they could face losing their licence if they are found to be selling alcohol to anyone under 18.

The Police-led initiative is being supported by Highland Council, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, Licence Trade Association and Crimestoppers.

It is an offence to sell alcohol to anyone under 18. It is not just the licence holder who is responsible, but also all the staff working in any licensed premises. The message is: Can't Tell, Don't Sell, It's Your Responsibility.

Anyone who has information relating to the sale of alcohol to minors is urged to contact Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

4 Nov 2013