Contract award for new Fort William events area

The project to create an events area in the centre of Fort William has taken another step forward with The Highland Council awarding a contract for the construction and landscaping of Cameron Square.

With a value of £375,000, the work will be carried out by P1 Solutions Limited. It is expected that initial works will get underway in the next 3-4 weeks with the main contract beginning immediately after the New Year.

Funding for the project was part of the ‘shovel-ready’ allocation of £3 million awarded to The Highland Council from the Scottish Government earlier this year.  The contract involves levelling Cameron Square which is currently a sloping site and creating an amphitheatre type setting with new lighting, artwork and street furniture which will offer a much more welcoming environment.

Councillor Thomas MacLennan, Leader of The Highland Council’s Lochaber Area Committee,  said: “This contract effectively completes work started in 2010 with the recladding and artworks at the Underpass and the regeneration of the West End, incorporating the new end to the West Highland Way. Once complete, Cameron Square will provide an ideal location for all types of events which we are keen to welcome to the town.The resulting increase in footfall will help to sustain businesses operating in the High Street and provide a much better environment for visitors.”

Full consultation will be carried out with traders and residents in the affected area to ensure that any inconvenience is minimised and that access to businesses is maintained.


5 Nov 2013