New head teacher appointed at Inverness Gaelic Medium Primary School

Leugh sa Ghàidhlig

The Highland Council has appointed a new head teacher to Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis (Inverness Gaelic Medium Primary School).

He is James Lyon,  who has been the acting head teacher at the Gaelic Medium school since Easter of this year.

Mr Lyon has taken up his post with immediate effect.

He moved to the Highlands to become head teacher of the 100-pupil Ardersier Primary in 2006 having previously held a position in school management since 2001 in both Perth and Aberdeenshire.

He is delighted to have been appointed to a school with 190 primary school pupils and 90 in the nursery.

Mr Lyon has a passionate interest in Gaelic and is totally committed to gaining fluency in the language.  He has already attended a summer residential course at the Gaelic college in Sleat, Skye – Sabhal Mor Ostaig – and is currently studying on the Gaelic Beginners' course.  He is attending another  residential course at Sabhal Mor Ostaig at Easter, next year.

He said: “I have really enjoyed my time at the school since moving here in the Easter.  It is a marvellous learning environment with excellent staff and pupils willing to learn. I am greatly looking forward to taking the Bun-sgoil forward. The school community can be assured that I am 100% committed to learning the language and conversing with staff, pupils and parents alike in Gaelic.”


5 Nov 2013