New Asssessor and Electoral Registration Officer for the Highlands and Western Isles

Highland and Western Isles Valuation Joint Board have appointed Mr Bill Gillies to the post of Assessor & Electoral Registration Officer.

Mr Gillies is the Depute Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer, a position he has held since 1996 having previously worked in the Tayside and Fife Regional Councils Assessor’s Departments.

He takes over from Douglas Gillespie who has been appointed as a surveyor member of the Lands Tribunal for Scotland.

Mr Gillies said: “I am looking forward to the many challenges over the years ahead including the extension of voting rights to 16 and 17 year olds in the forthcoming referendum on Scottish independence and the introduction of individual electoral registration."

Councillor Helen Carmichael, Convener, Highland and Western Isles Valuation Joint Board said: “I am delighted with this appointment and I am sure that Mr Gillies’s  experience in working in the Highlands and Islands over the past 17 years will provide the Board with sound leadership.

“I would also like to thank Douglas Gillespie for his service and wish him well in his appointment to the Lands Tribunal for Scotland.”


7 Nov 2013