Tribute paid to senior council official on retiral

A long serving council official was thanked for his services today (Thursday) at The Highland Council’s Transport, Environmental and Community Services Committee. Richard Guest, Head of Roads and Community Works, retires from the Council on Friday 15 November after 22 years of service.

Richard joined the former Highland Regional Council in 1991 as the Divisional Roads Engineer for Caithness, having previously worked for Shetland Islands Council.

Richard has a wide range of experience in all aspects of road maintenance, and was appointed to his current post in 2007.

Councillor Graham Phillips, Chairman of the TEC Services Committee, said: “Richard has been the Council’s lead on implementing the New Roads and Streetworks Act, working with the Public Utilities to improve the standard of road reinstatements, and was at the forefront of introducing Roads Asset Management, working with colleagues in the Society of Chief Officers for Transport in Scotland (SCOTS). His wide-ranging knowledge and experience will be missed, and I am sure we all wish Richard a long and happy retirement.”

8 Nov 2013