Work gets underway on West Ross road upgrade

Work gets under way on Monday (18 November) on a £ 1.75 million  project to upgrade the A890 Strathcarron-Balnacra Road.

The Highland Council has attracted funding of £250,000 from the European Regional Development Fund to assist with funding of the widening of the road to two-lane carriageway for some 2 km immediately to the east of the Strathcarron Junction where the road is narrow, with an undulating profile due to underlying peat and is of a very poor standard. 

The contract has been awarded to Wills Brothers, who have recent experience in working on the West Highlands, having completed major improvements on the A861 at Drynie Hill on the Kinlochmoidart to Acharacle road. This was another Euro-funded “lifeline” route.

Traffic will be managed by traffic lights and temporary running surfaces but with no road closures. Motorists should allow a little more time for their journeys.  The Council  apologises for any inconvenience during the road works and will do all that  it can to minimise delays.

12 Nov 2013