New apps to combat invasive species in Scotland

Issued by SNH

Two new mobile apps, which allow people to quickly and easily record sightings of non-native species across Scotland, have already reaped rewards with a rare recording near the Isle of Mull.

The apps are helping in the fight against invasive species, as well as helping to discover more about the effects of climate change. Invasive non-native species – such as killer shrimp and zebra mussels – are the second most serious threat to global biodiversity after habitat loss, with non-native species costing the Scottish economy around £246 million each year.

A rare sighting of a trigger fish near the Isle of Mull has already been recorded this Autumn.  Trigger fish are common in the Mediterranean, but have been spotted more and more in the south and southwest of England, and sporadically in Scotland. Their movement is a climate change indicator and scientists would like to better understand its distribution in UK waters.

The news apps include the AquaInvaders app which allows people across Scotland to report freshwater invasive species, and the Sealife Tracker which covers marine invasives, as well as a number of native species which indicate climate change. Both apps are now available to download for both iPhone and Android. With the apps, users are able to look at ID guides and information to identify and confirm a sighting, then upload a picture, add notes, and use GPS or a map to show their location.

The two apps join PlantTracker, which was the first app to allow the public to easily record what, where and when they see invasive non-native species in Scotland and throughout the UK. About 15,000 people have downloaded the Plant Tracker app since it was launched in 2012, uncovering locations where invasive species were unknown before.

These apps will provide Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and its partners with valuable, much-needed information about the location and spread of invasive and climate change indicator species. The verified information will allow agencies to monitor and control and, in some cases, eradicate the spread of invasives.

Stan Whitaker, SNH’s invasive non-native species expert, said: “You don't have to be a diver or snorkeler to help us find out more about the invasive threats in Scotland’s waters. The apps feature many species that you're just as likely to find in rock pools and on the shoreline. And if you own a boat, there's every chance you may encounter species like sunfish while out at sea, or find the invasive species in marinas.”

Scot Mathieson, Principal Policy Officer for the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), said: "The new apps are a great way to involve the general public in some of the work currently underway to conserve Scotland's indigenous species from the spread of invasive, non-native wildlife. Hopefully it will encourage regular water users and enthusiasts alike to get involved in building a more comprehensive picture of the areas most at threat, and with swift reports from users on the ground, potentially allow us to respond to new outbreaks or potential pathways more effectively in the future."

The AquaInvaders app targets the freshwater environment, where our rivers, burns, lochs and ponds are under increasing pressure from invasive non-native species, threatening the use and enjoyment of these areas. It covers 12 species of fish, 5 species of crayfish, and 4 species of amphibians. The app is supported by the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat and the Rivers and Fisheries Trusts of Scotland.

The Sealife Tracker app features 25 species - 14 of which are climate change indicators and 11 that are invasive, non-native species. Among the climate change species is the iconic sunfish and lesser known species such as wolf fish and northern stone crab. The invasive species being monitored include slipper limpet, wire weed and harpoon weed.

The project is a unique partnership between the British Sub Aqua Club, the Marine Biological Association, the Environment Agency, Scottish Natural Heritage, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), the University of Bristol and the Biological Records Centre ().

The data collected by all projects is submitted to the Biological Records Centre (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) where it is verified by experts and, in certain cases, responded to directly by the relevant authority.  Once verified, data will be available publicly via the NBN (National Biodiversity Network) Gateway at

Apps may be downloaded from:

12 Nov 2013