Chance to enjoy a Beauly riverside walk and a hike up a hill to get views of Inverness City

Jenny Grant from The Highland Council Countryside Rangers team will be leading a guided walk along the River Beauly following the lower reaches of this attractive river, through the countryside to enjoy it in all its autumn finery on Friday (15 Nov) from 11am – 3pm

Anyone wishing to join her should bring a packed lunch to eat along the way and meet up at the Black Bridge Car Park, Kilmorack (Grid Reference NH 497439)   The cost is £5 or £3 concession.

The following Friday ( 22 November) Jenny will be leading another guided walk this time it will be a hike up the steep Dunain Hill to the viewpoint overlooking Inverness.  The route will take in the city and some sub-urban wildlife.  This walk starts at 10am at Great Glen House car park which is Grid Reference: NH 638441 and will last for 2 hours.  The cost will be £3 for adults and  £2 for concessions.
For more information about either of these guided walks please contact the Countryside Rangers on 01463 255291 otherwise just turn up on the day.

The Countryside Rangers run many events and guided walks which aim to help raise awareness and encourage appreciation of the scenery, wildlife and heritage of the Highlands. A programme of Ranger Guided Walks and Events is on the council’s website at:

12 Nov 2013