Education capital projects progress in Highland schools.

Progress was welcomed today by members of The Highland Council’s Adult and Children’s Service’s Committee on a number of several major education capital projects.

Approval to bring forward the fourth and final phase of the redevelopment of Lochaber High School was given by members. The council anticipates that this will achieve:

Also in Lochaber, members were informed that tenders have been received for the three Fort William Primary Schools projects and the council anticipates that all three contracts will be awarded before the end of December 2013.

Members were informed of proposals for a new £1million annex to Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis that would provide two nursery classrooms. The existing nursery classroom would be used as a primary classroom resulting in 10 classrooms in the main building. Projected increases in the school roll have also prompted the Authority to give consideration to providing additional primary classroom capacity and any related impact on social and dining space. Members agreed to a review of the options at the Bun-sgoil and that design work would commence subject to formal approval at the next meeting of the Committee.

Approval was also given to:

An extra £300,000 funding was approved by members for the £1.2 million works at Central Primary School in Inverness to provide new kitchen and dining facilities, two nursery classrooms and an expanded “Doorways” pupil support facility.

Recommendations to carry out £450,000 works in Summer 2014 on the Lochaber High School, Synthetic Turf Playing Field to upgrade the facility to a 3G surface were welcomed by members. This development will benefit the school and sports clubs in the area seeking appropriate training facilities throughout the year.

Councillor Alasdair Christie, Chairman of the Adult and Children’s Services Committee welcomed the work that has been done to progress the education services capital projects, he said: “I am delighted that we are able to make progress and see these major capital investments taking place in the schools that needs them most. I am certain that they will bring major benefit to the quality of education that we provide and will help to future-proof the schools that we are investing in to make them fit-for-purpose.”

13 Nov 2013