Council and E.ON energy savings partnership expands to Hilton, Inverness.

The Highland Council and partners E.ON are tomorrow (Friday 15 November) writing to 129 home owners in the Hilton area of Inverness to offer energy saving improvements that will help save energy and money in their homes.

The energy and money savings are being offered are under the Home Energy Efficiency Programme for Scotland – Area Based Scheme (HEEPS-ABS) which is being administered and managed for the Scottish Government by The Highland Council in the Highland area.

An open day has also been organised at The Den, Hilton Community Centre, Oldtown Road, Inverness on Wednesday 20 November, 4.30pm to 8pm.

Home owners in the Hilton area who receive a letter from the Council and E.ON can come to the open day, where they’ll meet the E.ON team; ask questions and check whether they are eligible. Other home owners are welcome to attend to find out more information on energy savings.

The decision to expand the offer to the Hilton area of Inverness, where some homes are dependent on electric heating, has received approval from the Scottish Government.

A joint letter from Jon Kirby Carbon Savings Manager, E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd and Tracey Urry, Highland Council’s Interim Director of Housing and Property Services states that: “To qualify for improvements under this scheme you need to own or privately rent your home which is heated by electricity, coal or oil and requires either cavity or solid wall insulation. If you meet these requirements you may be entitled to these improvements, jointly funded by The Highland Council and E.ON.”

Homeowners and landlords who receive a letter are invited to contact E.ON for more information and to arrange a Home Energy Assessment. The Highland Council and E.ON are keen to point out that home owners will receive initial contact in writing only and no cold calling or door stepping will take place in this programme.

The Council and E.ON have already written to home owners in the Inverness Central and Aird & Loch Ness Wards and next week we will be writing to people in the Landward Caithness Ward and will be writing in due course to home owners in the Upper Achintore (Fort William) Ward.

E.ON will be in contact with residents in the chosen areas in writing, as they progress through the Wards identified.

Anyone wishing further information can call the E.ON hotline on 0800 141 2283.

14 Nov 2013