Compulsory purchase order made for Inverness West link

The Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) has now been made for the Inverness West Link project, which will  provide a new transport link from the Southern Distributor Road at Dores Road to the A82 trunk road via a fixed link across the River Ness and the Caledonian Canal.

Details of the Compulsory Purchase Order, which requires to be approved by Scottish Ministers,  may be inspected at Council Offices, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness and the Council Service Point 23 Church Street, Inverness. 

The objection period for the Order closes on Monday 9 December 2013.  Any objections to the Order must be made in writing stating the title of the Order and the grounds of objection and addressed to Transport Scotland, Buchanan House, 8th Floor North, TRBO Roads Policy, 58 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow, G4 0HF.

All of the 20 landowners involved in the Order have been contacted by the Council and are aware of the Order.  The Council as part of their discussions with landowners will endeavour to acquire by agreement the necessary land for the scheme and these discussions will run in parallel with the Order process.

The Council has already made the planning application for the scheme and the making of the CPO at this stage will ensure that the Inverness Link project is still on target for delivery in 2015.

15 Nov 2013