Senior Councillors add support to call for cup semi-final re-think

The Leader and Convener of The Highland Council have added their voices to the call on the SPFL to re-time the League Cup semi-final between Inverness Caledonian Thistle and  Hearts.

The big game has been set to be played at Easter Road, Edinburgh – the home of Hibs - on Sunday February 2 at 12.15pm.

The Leader Councillor Drew Hendry is a Hearts season ticket holder and the Convener Councillor Jimmy Gray is an ICT season ticket holder.

They agree the kick-off will seriously disadvantage Inverness supporters and could create very real safety issues for those having to leave Inverness early in the morning in the height of winter to get to the showpiece game.

They highlight the fact that there is no public transport that can ensure supporters arrive in Edinburgh safely before 1 pm and that for those who choose to travel to Edinburgh the previous day there is the additional cost involved of an overnight stay.

Councillor Hendry said: “I am not a fan of early kick offs. But the timing of this particular game is really unfair to the Inverness supporters. No regard has been given to the challenges facing the fans in getting to the game on a Sunday in the height of winter. We all know just how extreme conditions  can be on the A9, especially at Drumochter. I fully support the call on the SPFL to put the kick off back to 2 or 3 pm.”

Councillor Gray said: “Absolutely no consideration has been given to the wellbeing of the Inverness supporters by this completely unfair decision of the SPFL. The safety and consideration of the travelling  supporters should be of paramount importance to the SPFL at all times. It is surely not unreasonable to ask for a degree of care and commonsense by delaying the kick off until at least 2 pm.”

18 Nov 2013