Eight candidates to contest Black Isle by-election

Notice of poll

Eight candidates will contest the forthcoming by-election to elect one councillor to serve The Highland Council’s Ward 10 – Black Isle.

The candidates are:

The by-election will be held on Thursday 19 December and voting will take place  between 7 am – 10 pm. The count will take place at the Black Isle Leisure Centre on Friday 20 December 2013.

The Returning Officer is the Chief Executive of The Highland Council, Steve Barron.  

The vacancy has arisen following the death of Councillor Billy Barclay who was elected to The Highland Council in May 2003.  He was one of four Councillors representing the Black Isle. The other Ward members are Councillors David Alston (Liberal Democrat), Craig Fraser (Scottish National Party (SNP)) and Isobel McCallum (Independent)

Anyone eligible to vote can apply for either a postal vote or to vote by proxy. The latest time to apply for a postal vote is 5.00pm on Wednesday, 4 December 2013 and the deadline for anyone wishing to apply to vote by proxy is Wednesday, 11 December 2013.  Advice on postal and proxy voting is available by contacting the Electoral Registration Office on 0800 393783.
The Black Isle Ward is one of 22 wards within the Highlands and has an electorate of 8,443.

The Highland Council comprises 80 elected members.  The current representation is Independent 32, SNP 21, Liberal Democrats 14, Labour 8, Independent Nationalist 1, Non-aligned 2 with 1 vacancy for the Landward Caithness ward and 1 vacancy for the Black Isle ward. 


18 Nov 2013