Funding to improve safety for Brora pupils walking and cycling to school

Members of the Caithness and Sutherland Area Committee have approved £7,000 of funding to improve the safety for pupils walking and cycling to and from Brora Primary School.

The funding has come from the Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets (CWSS) Programme which has £237,000 available for projects in the Highlands which schools can bid for to encourage active travel.

Brora Primary will now use the money to provide drop kerbs, drainage, tactile paving, footprint markings on the pavements and stop-look-listen markings.
The Highland Council has a commitment in its Programme to provide more safe cycle tracks and “walk to school” pathways and to encourage healthier and greener methods of travel.

Leader of the Caithness and Sutherland Area Committee, Councillor Deirdre Mackay said: “Our Road Safety Team do a lot of work with schools to encourage pupils, parents and staff to think about their travel choices and consider walking or cycling rather than using a car.  The children at Brora Primary have been very involved in creating travel plans and I’m sure that this funding will make the journey to and from the school safer so more of them will want to cycle or walk.  This not only promotes physical exercise but it is also good news for our environment with fewer cars in use on the school runs.”


19 Nov 2013