Alness school meeting cancelled

The Highland Council has cancelled a “closed meeting” planned for tonight (Tuesday) at which key stakeholders from Alness and Invergordon were due to be given feedback to the questions raised during the first round of public dialogue meetings in June this year concerning future school provision in the two communities.

The Council became aware through social networking sites that a large number of people were being encouraged to attend the meeting at the Perrins Centre, Alness, and decided that in the interests of safety that it was prudent to cancel the meeting as there was no guarantee all could be accommodated.

However, the Council has given an assurance that it will hold a public meeting in both communities before the turn of the year when the issues will be fully aired.

Invited to tonight’s briefing  were school and community representatives from both Alness and Invergordon and the Ward Members for Cromarty Firth.

Councillor Alasdair Christie, Chair of the Council’s Adult and Children’s Services Committee, said: “I have been made aware of some social media activity that is urging the wider public to attend the scheduled meeting tonight involving local Head Teachers, Parent Council Chairs, Community Council Chairs and Ward Members for Cromarty Firth.

“The suggestion is that tonight’s meeting was a public meeting, and, given that some local people have been lead to believe it is their only opportunity to express an opinion, there is the potential of a large number of uninvited people turning up. To avoid any potential risks,  we have decided to cancel the meeting. 

“I can assure the two communities that we will organise a public meeting in both communities before Christmas to ensure people have their say on this important issue. I must also stress that this review is a long term proposal – looking ahead at least five years  – and there is plenty of time for interested people to make their views known.”

Already a number of events have been held across Easter Ross to explain the Council’s Sustainable School Estate Review, including two drop-in events in Alness and Invergordon. 

The review has focused on three broad options for the Alness and Invergordon area.  The estimated cost of the investment in the area is £60 million with works estimated to proceed between 2017 and 2022.

1 Oct 2013