Home energy efficiency event for Kiltarlity

Next Wednesday (9 October) anyone living in the Kiltarlity area who is looking at ways to reduce their heating costs is invited to come along to a special drop in exhibition which will be taking place in the village hall between 5pm and 8pm.

The Home Energy Efficiency Programme Scotland – Area Based Scheme (HEEP –ABS) is a Scottish Government scheme offering a home energy survey and free home insulation to householders.  Some properties may also be eligible for external, cavity and loft insulation. The Highland Council’s contractor for the initiative is E.ON and their representatives will be on hand to give impartial advice and explain how people can take part.

There will also be the opportunity to find out about the government Renewable Heating Initiative for domestic properties which begins next spring.  This scheme will pay householders for every unit of renewable heat generated.  Information on renewable heating including air source heat pumps, biomass boilers, ground source heat pumps and solar panels will be available along with experts who can discuss the merits of the systems and individual needs.

As well as householders, local renewable energy suppliers are invited to come along to find out more and see how they can get involved.

Local Councillor and Leader of The Highland Council, Drew Hendry said:  “At this time of year people start to worry about the rising costs of keeping warm over the winter months so this is the ideal chance to find out about making homes better insulated and more efficient to heat. It is also a chance to learn more about the various renewable energy technologies that are suitable for domestic properties before next year’s incentive scheme is launched.  Local suppliers and contractors will also find the exhibition very informative and a great way to see how they may get involved, so I would encourage as many people as possible to come along.

“The HEEP-ABS programme is in alignment with Highland Council’s recent long term commitment of achieving a Carbon Neutral Inverness in a Low Carbon Highlands by 2025; Carbon CLEVER Highlands.”

4 Oct 2013