Highland school forges health and wellbeing links with Bangladesh school

An Inverness Primary School is creating a partnership with a school in Bangladesh to further their pupils learning and understanding of health and wellbeing.

As part of developing life skills and health and wellbeing within the Curriculum for Excellence Cauldeen Primary School invited the Scottish Ambulance Service to give pupils training in first aid and recovery.

Head Teacher George Glass said: “Our Primary 7 class has established a link with the Protiva Bikash Primary School outside Dhaka in Bangladesh as a British Council Connecting Classrooms partner school. We will be sharing the training delivered here by the Scottish Amublance Service with children in Bangladesh who do not have access to this training locally.

“Our pupils are making small learning video clips while working with the Scottish Ambulance Service to send to their partners as learning modules. The pupils in Bangladesh will be preparing materials for our pupils also.”

The project will continue to develop links and the schools will exchange materials based around the topics of ‘health and wellbeing’, and ‘water’. The partnership schools will also follow athletes from both countries as the Commonwealth Games take place in Glasgow in 2014.

Head Teacher George Glass is visiting the partner school in Bangladesh with learning some materials and intends to plan the way forward with Head Teacher Mr Jabir Chowdhury who will visit the Inverness school later in the session. 

Mr Glass added: “We hope through such links to encourage all pupils but particularly girls to stay in education through innovative linking projects such as the Connecting Classrooms initiative and see them continue in education to reach their full potential.”

4 Oct 2013