Council keen to receive more suggestions for future planning of Caithness and Sutherland

A call for people’s early suggestions of sites and ideas for the new Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan – CaSPlan – is in to its last fortnight. 
It is therefore important that people take up The Highland Council’s invitation to submit suggestions for inclusion in the new plan for the future of Caithness and Sutherland, before the deadline on 17 October 2013.

Scott Dalgarno, Development Plans Manager at The Highland Council said: “The Call for Sites and Ideas exercise provides the opportunity for all members of the public to be involved in the development process at the earliest possible stage. Often members of the public only get involved in the planning process in reaction to an application for planning permission being submitted. Now is their chance to be involved and make their views known early – and to let us know what they want their local area to be like.”

Malcolm MacLeod, the Council’s Head of Planning and Building Standards, reflected on the importance of the planning of place through the preparation of development plans: “Thank you to those who have already sent in suggestions. We are keen to receive more. Through a greater level of participation at this early stage of the plan process, we will be able to produce a high quality plan that truly reflects the needs of the communities and encourages the development of better quality places.”

Anyone wishing to submit suggestions to the Council has until 5pm on the 17th October 2013 to do so and should use the special form available via the Council’s website. Any suggestions submitted will be assessed by the Council before being issued for further public consultation.

Participation is extended to all members of the community, regardless of age or background, if they have an idea that will contribute towards a positive vision for their community and the Caithness and Sutherland area.

Anyone wishing to make a suggestion or wanting to find out more on the process of producing and adopting the CaSPlan, can read the Call for Sites and Ideas Guide which is available on the Council’s website Anyone with questions or requiring assistance can contact the Development Plans Team on 01349 886608 or email


7 Oct 2013