Council working group meets with Highland MPs to discuss impact of Welfare Reform

A meeting of The Highland Council’s Welfare Reform Group took place today (Friday 11 October)  in Inverness with Highland MPs Danny Alexander, Charles Kennedy and John Thurso joining senior councillors  to discuss the impact of Welfare Reform on Highland communities.

The Council has welcomed a commitment from the MPs to explore ways of mitigating the impact of under-occupation rules on Highland tenants. To take this forward the Council will now prepare detailed proposals which they will provide to the Highland MPs so they can make representations to the UK Government.

Chair of the Council’s Welfare Reform Group, Councillor Alasdair Christie said:  “I am pleased we had the opportunity to meet face to face and for the MPs to listen to our very real concerns.  We had clear and constructive discussions and it was particularly encouraging that there was broad agreement on the issues that need to be addressed.  We will work on preparing detailed proposals for the MPs so that they can raise these with UK Government Ministers.”

At the meeting a commitment was given by the three MPs to meet again with the Welfare Reform Group in 6 months’ time to review progress.

Meanwhile any benefit claimants concerned about how Welfare Reform may affect them should contact The Highland Council’s Customer Income Maximisation Team on 0800 090 1004 or visit

14 Oct 2013