Reelig Bridge (near Inverness) closure

A temporary closure of the Unclassified (U1568) Reelig Road, Inverness-shire, will come into effect on Monday 21 October and remain in place until Monday 4 November  to allow a contractor to safely carry out essential repair work to the bridge.

No vehicles or pedestrians can be allowed to travel across Reelig Bridge whilst the works are in progress, owing to the nature of the works to be carried out. This also applies to walkers using the Reelig Forest network of paths.  Signs will be in place to notify walkers that they will be unable to cross Reelig Bridge. Diversionary signage for motorists will be in place for the duration of the works. Service buses are unaffected and the school travel operatives should be able to work around the closure arrangements.

Alternative routes for vehicles will be available using the Unclassified Reelig Road (Parts), the Unclassified Newtonhill – Rebeg Road, the Unclassified Drumchardine Road, the A862 Telford Street – Clachnaharry – Windhill Road, the C1102 Moniack Bridge – Easter Clunes – Foxhole Road and the C1100 Drumreach – Moniack Castle – Meikle Phoineas (Brochies Corner) Road.

14 Oct 2013