Final phase of new council houses at Assynt Road, Inverness

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The Provost of Inverness, Councillor Alex Graham and fellow Councillors Allan Duffy and Graham Ross welcomed new tenants Hazel Lang and Hayley McGilvery into their new homes at Assynt Road, Inverness, marking the completion of the final phase of 32 houses in the development.

The 10 Council houses and 22 flats Caledonia Housing Association form part of a 56 property, developed in partnership with Caledonia Housing Association.  The previously undeveloped and overgrown site was owned by the Highland Council prior to development.

The Highland Council’s Chair of Finance, Housing and Resource Committee, Councillor Dave Fallows said: “I am delighted to welcome these new tenants to their new homes, which are an excellent example of partnership working.  Caledonia Housing Association has worked with The Highland Council to enable 56 new energy efficient homes to be built for council and social rented houses.  This site clearly shows how an area of unused land can be regenerated to provide much needed homes for the Highlands.”

Julie Cosgrove, Chief Executive of Caledonia Housing Association said: “This landmark development heralds the latest chapter in our provision of affordable housing in the Highlands. Our partnership with Highland Council has delivered 56 much-needed affordable rented homes in Inverness .The striking design, as well as being visually impressive also incorporates a Biomass District Heating scheme, which will both reduce energy costs for tenants, and at the same time reduce the carbon footprint of the housing. Thanks to this, and other design features, the Caledonia HA homes have also achieved the highest ever Eco-Homes rating for new housing in Scotland.”

Each of the new homes is heated with mains gas heating and is built to energy efficient building standards. 

New tenant Hazel Lang shares her new council home with her two children Cherry and Caleb, having moved from an upper floor maisonette.   Speaking about her new home, Hazel said:

“I have lived here in Assynt Road for three months, and in my opinion I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.  I love my flat, the area and the people.  The houses and flats are unlike any other place I have rented.  They are visually pleasing, modern and well thought out, and the neighbourhood is generally quiet and relaxed.  The people are positive and friendly and there is a happy sense of wholesome community.  This is an area that social housing providers should be proud of and inspired by.”

The homes were built by Stewart Milne Construction, the Chartered Surveyors were Inverness based KLM Partnership and the architect was Colin Armstrong Associates, also Inverness based.  The cost to build the 56 houses was in the region of £6million with £2.3m in grant monies from the Scottish Government together with monies from the Scottish Government’s Vacant and Derelict Land Fund which is held by the Council.

2 Sep 2013