Police in Highland and Islands report numbers of speeding motorists detected around region’s schools in recent initiative

Issued by Police Scotland Highland and Islands Division

Police Scotland Highland and Islands Division targeted speeding motorists around areas of restricted speed limits close to schools for the first fortnight after returning from the summer holidays, in order to ensure the safety of all school attendees and encourage motorists to drive at lesser speeds.

The division-wide initiative saw a total of 34 motorists being issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice or reported to the Procurator Fiscal for speeding offences close to primary and secondary schools in the region, where 20mph restrictions are in place, during the two week period (20-30 August 2013).

Divisional Road Policing Inspector Neil Lumsden said: "As I previously stated, the primary focus of the initiative was to keep our children and young people safe as they returned to school following the summer holidays, which I am pleased to report is the case as we have had no reports of any collisions close to schools or involving pupils.”

He continued: "Whilst all pupils have remained safe on their journeys to and from school there has still been a significant number of motorists detected speeding in the vicinity which is unacceptable.

"I would like to remind those driving close to schools to be aware not only of their speed but also of their surroundings throughout the whole school year."
Police are keen to remind motorists of the 20mph restriction that is in place around most schools in built-up areas and those caught driving above this could face being issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice or even be reported to the Procurator Fiscal, depending on the circumstances.

Routine speed checks will continue across the area throughout the school year following the conclusion of this high visibility initiative.


5 Sep 2013