Corran Ferry Fares Review

The Highland Council has completed the consultation on initial proposals to review the fares structure for the Corran Ferry in West Lochaber. The consultation attracted more than 80 responses and Councillor Graham Phillips, the Chair of Transport, Environmental and Community Services would like to thank all those who submitted a response.

Councillor Phillips said: “Having listened to the local community it is clear that the proposals to change the fares structure did not carry local support.  The TEC Services Committee will consider a report at its meeting on Thursday 19 September which will recommend that the existing fares structure is retained and that a 30p increase is applied to the single ticket price for all cars, with a pro-rata increase for the other categories of user. The increase will be introduced from 1 November 2013.

“The increase in fares is required to close the gap between operating costs and income, as in recent years the operating costs, which include fuel and refit costs for the main ferry (M V “Corran”) and the reserve ferry (MV “Maid of Glencoul”) have increased ahead of inflation.

“The proposed increase will not fully close the gap between operating costs and income and the TEC Service Committee will also be asked to agree that a review is undertaken to examine all operating costs and income with a view to moving towards full cost recovery and making the service sustainable for the future.”

Local communities will be given a preview of the revised proposals at a meeting to be held at the Sunart Centre, Strontian, tonight (Monday 9 Sept 2013) at 6.30 pm. 

9 Sep 2013