Council publishes planning notices online

The Highland Council has started publishing planning notices on a national website to complement the current system of placing adverts in the local press.

Along with other Scottish Councils, The Highland Council is using the Tell Me Scotland (Public Information Notification Scotland – PINS) website to publish planning notices.  This site is linked to the Council’s own ePlanning public access portal which many people already use to access information on a wide range of planning issues.

Users will be able to search for public notices relating to planning applications in their area, search archived notices from across the country and register to receive alerts by text or e-mail on any new notices in a particular area of the Highlands.

Chairman of the Planning, Environment and Development Committee, Councillor Thomas Prag said:  “All planning applications submitted since February 2010 are available to be viewed online on our website so this new service complements the work already done to make the process as open and accessible as possible.   As well as listing the planning notices people can view a map which plots the physical location of the applications which is very helpful.

“Using this new system will not replace newspaper adverts, but it is a very helpful and interactive means we have of engaging with people. It is really all about making the most of technology to make it easy for people to find out what is going on in their local area and having the opportunity to make representation in a simple and convenient way.” 

Visitors to the Council’s website can currently register their postcode and search preferences on the eplanning site to receive automatic alerts advising them when a planning application is received. This service will continue and users will now have the option to reading the published notices on the Tell Me Scotland portal site  - at the click of a button.

10 Sep 2013