Nairn pupils to benefit from Scottish Government cycling, walking and safer street programme

Funding for a safer routes to schools project in Nairn has been given the go-ahead by members of The Highland Council’s Nairn and Badenoch and Strathspey Area Committee.

The Highland Council has been allocated £237,000 funding in 2013/14 for the Cycling Walking and Safer Streets (CWSS) Programme which is funded directly by the Scottish Government. The programme aims to encourage sustainable and active travel to school by improving safety and removing barriers to walking and cycling. It also aims to encourage more people to think about their travel decisions.

Members of the Nairn and Badenoch and Strathspey Area Committee have agreed a £7,250 contribution for a safer routes to schools project estimated at £14,500 for new cycle storage at Rosebank Primary School in Nairn.

Leader of the Nairn and Badenoch and Strathspey Area Committee, Councillor Liz MacDonald said: “Safe and healthy travel to school is vital for parents and pupils – we want more people to leave the car at home and walk or cycle to school. Not only is it healthier for our bodies it’s healthy for the environment as we help to reduce our carbon footprint by using sustainable modes of travel.

“It’s important that parent councils are made aware of the funding available from the Scottish Government Cycling Walking and Safer Streets Programme for projects that they can bid for in their schools.”

10 Sep 2013