Chance to explore Glen Strathfarrar on a guided walk

Next Friday (20 September) there is the opportunity to join The Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers for a gentle walk through spectacular Glen Strathfarrar, looking out for wildlife and learning about how the glen has changed over the centuries. 

The walk is of about 5km, and will be on the tarmac road leading through this beautiful part of the Highland countryside.  There’ll be plenty of stops to chat along the way, so it’s an ideal way to round off the week.

Ranger Duncan Macdonald said: “This is a perfect time of year to witness the wildlife wonders Strathfarrar has to offer, from early autumn fungi to soaring Golden Eagles.”

The walk takes place from 11am – 3pm and costs £5 for adults and £3 for concessions.  Anyone coming along should bring sensible footwear, waterproofs and a packed lunch.  Any children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. To book a place and to get details of where the meeting up point will be, please telephone the ranger service on 01463 255291.

The Countryside Rangers run many events and guided walks which aim to help raise awareness and encourage appreciation of the scenery, wildlife and heritage of the Highlands. A programme of Ranger Guided Walks and Events is on the council’s website at:


12 Sep 2013