Inverness Ness-side Ward Forum - Consultation for Local Police and Fire & Rescue Plans

On Thursday 19th September Councillor Jean Slater, Depute Provost of Inverness, is to Chair the Inverness Ness-side Ward Forum - the latest in a series of 18 being held in Council Wards across the Highlands to seek the views of the public on local police and fire services.  Both Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are keen to consult with the communities across Highland to identify the local policing and fire & rescue priorities for the next round of local police and fire plans. 

The Forum is being held in Hilton Community Centre at 7 p.m.  

Councillor Slater is keen that local people take the opportunity to make their views known to both services.  She said: “We’ll have senior managers attending the Forum from the Police and Fire Services who are keen to work with local communities and understand local priorities.  I’d encourage people to come along and take part.”

Area Commander Chief Inspector Graeme Murdoch is to attend on behalf of Police Scotland.  Derek Wilkie Station Master, Inverness & Nairn District, and Robert Scott, Group Manager, are representing the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service.


18 Sep 2013