New ward manager of Eilean a' Cheò

The Highland Council has appointed Willie Mackinnon, a sports development officer with High Life Highland, Portree, as its new Ward Manager for Eilean a' Cheò (Skye).  He will take up his post at the end of October.

Willie was born and brought up on the Island, attending both Portree Primary and High schools. For the past 24 years he has worked as a sports development officer, having started in 1989 with the Skye and Lochalsh District Council, then The Highland Council and currently High Life Highland.

His remit has included the management of the Active Schools team, firstly in Ross, Skye & Lochaber and for the past 4 years in North Highland.

He said: “This is a really exciting opportunity for me and I am very much looking forward to working with Council Services and communities in the Eilean a’ Cheò Ward.”


18 Sep 2013