70th anniversary commemorates attack on Battleship Tirpitz.

A ceremony will take place on Sunday 22 September at the XIIth Submarine Flotilla memorial by Kylesku Bridge, beginning at 11am to commemorate and mark the 70th anniversary of the attack on the Battleship Tirpitz.

In September 1943, six Royal Navy midget submarines (X Craft) sailed from Loch Cairnbawn, in Assynt, bound for north Norway to attack the German battleship Tirpitz and her consorts.  A number of brave men lost their lives in the operation, while others endured many months of captivity, but the attack was successful: the Tirpitz was badly damaged and never fully operational again.  The X Craft crews’ extraordinary bravery was recognised in the award of gallantry medals: two Victoria Crosses, three Distinguished Service Orders and one Conspicuous Gallantry Medal.

The ceremony at Kylesku Bridge and reception for invited guests in the Kylesku Hotel, is being held courtesy of The Highland Council, Assynt Community Council and Scourie Community Council.

The ceremony will start time at 11am preceded by music to welcome attendees. A welcome address will be given by Jonathan Brett Young DL. Readings of excerpts from the book: “Midget Submarine Commander, The Life of Godfrey Place VC” will be given its author, Paul Watkins.

Following a Prayer, Hymn, and marks of respect a Royal Marine bugler will play “Sunset” followed by one minute’s silence, and then the bugler will play “Reveille”.  Wreaths will be laid by the Lord Lieutenant of Sutherland; Assynt and Scourie Community Councils; Royal Navy; RN Association Sutherland; Royal British Legion; Rotary Club of East Sutherland. The service will conclude with the singing of the national anthem.

18 Sep 2013