Councillors vote against Nairn housing development

Following a morning site visit, members at today’s Planning, Environment and Development Committee have refused planning permission for Scotia Homes Ltd, Barratt North East Scotland and Robertson Home to build 232 houses and 87 flats on land at Cawdor Road in Nairn.

The application was reconsidered today by the Committee after a Notice of Amendment was received following the meeting of The Highland Council’s South Planning Applications Committee on 20 August 2013.  At this meeting the South PAC granted planning permission but the Notice of Amendment was submitted after comments in the committee report made by Nairn Suburban Community Council were incorrectly ascribed to Nairn River Community Council.

The decision made today went to vote with 8 members voting for the motion to grant planning permission subject to a number of conditions and 13 members voting for refusal based on the following amendment - “That the roads infrastructure will not support the development.  The Cawdor Road Railway Bridge Underpass will not accommodate the additional traffic created by the development and Balblair Road is still single track in places.”



18 Sep 2013