River Ness Flood Scheme latest

The Highland Council has advised businesses, residents, cyclists and motorists that to get back on track with the schedule to deliver the River Ness Flood Alleviation and Streetscape Scheme it intends to extend the period of closure of Bank Street to traffic– between Fraser Street and Friars Lane - until May.

The Council had planned to reopen Bank Street to through traffic between Ness Bridge and Academy Street on Monday 10 February to coincide with work starting on the second phase of the Kessock Bridge Resurfacing Project.

However, the Project has fallen behind schedule, mainly due to encountering large boulders on Bank Street. To avoid summer peak working or further disruption at this time next year,  continuation of the present closure provides an opportunity for flood wall construction  and streetscaping features to be completed by early summer.

This decision is based on the Council`s understanding of the wishes of local businesses, which is to try and complete the flood alleviation and streetscape works as quickly as possible and to avoid the peak summer months. Throughout the period the city centre traffic movement will be constantly monitored with traffic light timings  being adjusted to assist traffic movement.  If the closure of Bank Street during the Kessock Bridge works causes unacceptable delays in traffic movement, the Council will, within 24 hours, lift the closure and reopen Bank Street to two- way traffic

On the opposite side of the river, Huntly Street is currently closed to traffic between Young Street and Greig Street and also between Celt Street and Balnain Street for flood wall construction. Works will continue in sections with phased closures between side streets until the works are complete.

Any member of the public with a query about the scheme should call or email the River Ness Helpline: Email: RiverNessFAS@highland.gov.uk     Tel: 07557 744442.

3 Feb 2014