How will you rate your meal out this Valentine’s Day?

After flowers or chocolates, the next big question that’s usually on the agenda for Valentine’s Day is whether to go out to that romantic restaurant or enjoy a quiet meal in.

However you rate a meal out, this Valentine’s Day, make sure you choose one of the 85% of eateries in The Highland Council area with a PASS.

The Food Hygiene Information Scheme (FHIS) rates food businesses on their hygiene standards, based on inspections carried out by the Council. Businesses in the area are given a PASS for meeting the legal requirements. Those that don’t pass are assessed as ‘Improvement Required’ - these business have not achieved an acceptable level of compliance.

The FHIS is a win win situation. Businesses achieving a PASS can be proud of the recognition of their compliance with food hygiene legislation. Consumers also benefit by being better informed when choosing where to eat out and can support businesses that care. So, whether you’re reserving a table at that romantic hotspot, the cosy little café, or planning on ordering a takeaway on your way home for a romantic meal, make sure to check the hygiene rating first.

Look out for the blue FHIS certificate or sticker displayed on windows and doors. If you can’t see it, then ask staff inside or check online at

The Highland Council’s Environmental Health Manager Alan Yates said: “Valentine’s Day is a busy time for our local restaurants, cafes and pubs and the majority of the 3,327 food businesses in the Highlands we have inspected have achieved a PASS. The Food Hygiene Information Scheme makes it easier for everyone to choose to eat their romantic meals in places where food hygiene is taken seriously."

Peter Midgley, Head of Enforcement at the Food Standards Agency in Scotland, said: “The Food Hygiene Information Scheme is a great tool when choosing where to eat out, particularly when celebrating a special meal, because it tells you what’s going on in the kitchen and behind the scenes. For local eateries, a PASS will be good for business during this busy time.”
This Valentine’s Day, make sure you order the flowers, buy the chocolates and check out the food hygiene rating of your favourite places to eat or order from, at

3 Feb 2014