Tribute paid to former Invergordon Academy pupil

Ms Alison Drew, head teacher of Invergordon Academy, paid tribute to the memory of former pupil Kevin MacIver (19) who died in a road traffic collision last week.

She said: “Kevin left Invergordon Academy in 2012 to take up an apprenticeship with Isleburn Engineering. He loved his new job and had great plans around his career.

“Kevin contributed a huge amount to the life of the school. He was a House Captain and a Community Sports Leader. He was someone who would volunteer to help others and a fantastic role model for younger pupils. Kevin loved sport and was a real 5-aside football fan. He was a young man who helped and encouraged others and had a real sense of community. Kevin was well regarded and well-liked by pupils and staff.

On Friday 31 January at his former school, the pupils and staff who knew Kevin and his family spent time remembering his many qualities.

Ms Drew added: “Invergordon Academy is a close knit community and we have been supportive of each other at this difficult time.”

3 Feb 2014