Full agenda for Caithness and Sutherland Area Committee

Land reform, the changing demographics of Caithness and Sutherland and an update on the creation of new jobs are all on the agenda of the Area Committee which takes place in Golspie on Tuesday 11 February.

The first item on the agenda will be looking at Land Reform with a particular look at the overview of land reform issues in Sutherland with David Cameron of Community Land Scotland coming along to speak to Councillors.

Other topics covered include a detailed look at the changes in population following analysis of the latest census results and findings of the recent consultation on the Dounreay Planning Framework. There will also be an update in the Peatlands Partnership “Flow to the Future” project and Councillors will be looking in some detail at both Dornoch Academy and Golspie High Schools and their associated primary schools.

Area Convener, Councillor Deirdre Mackay said: “We have some important item of Tuesdays agenda including a chance to look in some detail at the changing demographics of Caithness and Sutherland, and progress of the Caithness and Sutherland Regeneration Partnership.  We will also be looking at issues people have raised as part of the Dounreay Planning Framework and recommending a response to the PED Committee.  The meeting will be webcast so anyone can follow proceedings via the website or anyone is welcome to come along and be part of the audience.”

The meeting starts at 10.30am and the agenda and papers will appear on the  council’s website on Thursday.  The webcast is available by visiting www.highland.gov.uk.

5 Feb 2014