Grounds Maintenance Programme Approved for Skye, Ross and Cromarty

Across the six Skye, Ross and Cromarty Wards there are 3,414,317 square metres of public open spaces spread over 1,718 locations which all require grounds maintenance and cleaning so it was no surprise that The Highland Council’s Grounds Maintenance Programme for 2014/15 was under the spotlight at today’s Area Committee.

In 2010 the council awarded ISS the contract for the cutting of grass in cemeteries on Skye and cutting grass in public open spaces across Skye, Ross and Cromarty with the exception of Easter Ross which retained the grass cutting in-house and other grounds tasks.

The meeting today gave members the opportunity to look back over the year to see how the contractor and in-house operators had performed and discuss the required standards specified in the Grounds Maintenance Service Level Agreement.

A report presented to them highlighted that from April to December there were 180 notices issued for breached standards from a total of 41,249 tasks. 60% of these breaches were rectified.

During the debate Members discussed issues including the challenge of ensuring a consistent approach across the whole area, the importance of monitoring work and the processes for doing this.  They also put forward suggestions as to how the system for submitting and following up complaints can be better carried out.

As well as approving the Grounds Maintenance service for 2014/15, Councillors approved the on-going arrangements for managing the service in Skye, Ross and Cromarty.  It was also agreed that Councillors will review the required service standards throughout the year in their Wards at their Ward Business Meetings.


5 Feb 2014