Last chance to submit nominations for Scottish Education Awards 2014

Issued by Scottish Education Awards

People in the Highlands are being urged to submit nominations for the Scottish Education Awards 2014 before the deadline on Friday 21 February 2014.

The awards, which celebrate the achievements of schools and teachers across Scotland, have attracted hundreds of nominations so far but many more schools and individuals are worthy of acknowledgment.

Last year, Sleat Primary School on the Isle of Skye and Jim A Johnston from Farr High School in Sutherland reached the finals of the Scottish Education Awards 2013.

Chairman of The Highland Council’s Adult and Children Services Committee, Councillor Alasdair Christie, said: “If you know of dedicated individuals who have helped young people achieve their learning potential in Highland schools and classrooms, we urge you to shine a spotlight on them and nominate them for a Scottish Education Award.”

The awards are open to all publicly funded schools, including secondary, primary, nursery and special schools.  There are also categories to recognise and reward the dedication of teachers, head-teachers and support staff across Scotland.   

For further information and to make a nomination visit

11 Feb 2014