Council in Cup Final discussions

The Highland Council is in discussions with Inverness Caledonian Thistle and their Supporters’ Trust to identify how it can best play its part in generating interesting in and attendance at the Scottish Communities League Cup Final at Celtic Park, Glasgow, on Sunday 16 March.

The Council has also written to Neil Doncaster, Chief Executive of the Scottish Professional Football League, to establish what level of support might be forthcoming from the ruling body to encourage attendance at the final.

The Council is considering providing financial support in recognition of the Inverness side reaching its first national final, the distinction that reaching the final reflects on the city and the potential for young people to attend a major sporting and cultural event and perhaps take a greater interest in sport as a result.

Council Leader Councillor Drew Hendry said: “This is a major sporting and cultural event for Inverness and the Highlands. This is why we are actively involved in discussions to ensure that this major achievement by Inverness Caledonian Thistle is effectively promoted and generates an interest that results in a big turn out from the Highlands at the final in Glasgow.

“Roy MacGregor and his Ross County “team” showed everyone how to do this for the Scottish Cup Final in 2011.  There were lessons learned from their effective promotional campaign to engage with the Highland public and maximise national exposure for the area.

“We have spoken with ICT and their supporters’ trust to identify how we might best provide backing.  Our clear focus will be to encourage as many young people as possible to attend.”

12 Feb 2014