Communities in the north still have two days left to have their say on local fire plans

Issued by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is urging those who have not already had their say on the draft local plans for the north service delivery area to get involved before Friday’s deadline.

With just two days left until the cut-off date, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s Assistant Chief Officer, Robert Scott, is encouraging those people to get involved and help shape the future priorities for the service in the north.

Towards the end of last year the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) published its draft local plans and has been encouraging the public, partners and key stakeholders to have their say as part of the public consultation process.

These plans are the mechanism through which the aims of the service’s Strategic Plan for 2013 – 2017 are delivered to meet the agreed needs of local communities and to ensure the most efficient use of resources to achieve safer communities.

The plans set out the priorities and objectives for the service within each local authority area and allow our local authority partners to scrutinise performance outcomes. The service will continue to work closely with our stakeholders, including community planning partners and local communities to ensure that we are “Working together for a safer Scotland” through targeting risks at a local level.

Each local plan, and its associated action plans, is aligned to the community planning partnership structures within each local authority area. Through partnership working we will deliver continuous improvement in our performance and effective service delivery in our area of operations.

To see our plans and priorities for where you live, visit the local plan section on our website and download a pdf copy.
Assistant Chief Officer and Director of Service Delivery for the North Hub, Robert Scott, said: "Our local plans for each of the North Service Delivery area’s 10 local authority areas have been out for public consultation for some time now and we have been delighted with the response so far.
"There is still time to get involved and we want to hear what you've got to say. All the consultation responses will be considered and then the final draft local plan (including any amendments thought appropriate to reflect views garnered from the consultation) will be submitted to the Local Authority for their agreement.
"To give us your comments, visit the public consultation page and click on the on the local authority area that you want to talk to us about. We look forward to receiving your comments.  Remember the consultation period ends on 14 February 2014."

12 Feb 2014